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IDF Peer Leader Manual

Diabetes self-management education (DSME) has long been considered a cornerstone of diabetes care. Multiple studies and meta-analyses have found DSME to be cost-effective and effective for improving metabolic and psychosocial outcomes, at least in the short term.

Because of the global epidemic of diabetes and the limited number of health professionals and other resources, it has been suggested that training peers to provide on-going support would increase the availability and access to DSMS.

The Peer Leader Training Manual was developed by Tricia Tang and Marth Funnell (University of Michigan, USA) during the implementation of their IDF BRIDGES-supported project (ST07-009).

BRIDGES is an IDF programme that sponsors translational research projects around the world. It is supported by an education grant from Lilly Diabetes.

By Buyelwa
Mar 09, 2015
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