IDF is the global reference for accurate, up-to-date estimates of the prevalence of diabetes and its burden on individuals and health economies. First published in 2000, it is produced by IDF biennially in collaboration with experts from around the world.
In the thesis Self-management education for patients with chronic diseases. Educational approaches and conditions for effective implementation, a systematic review was performed of the literature on diabetes self-management education (DSME) programs in developing countries.
Simple, clear design and presentation and using a person-based approach to intervention development, with in-depth iterative feedback from users, may be more important than interactivity and audiovisual presentation when developing accesible digital health interventions to improve health literacy outcomes
Diabetes is one of the most common non-communicable diseases (NCDs). According to the newest data of the IDF´s DIABETES ATLAS there are almost 32 million diabetes cases (in the adult population between 20 and 79 years of age) in the European Union of which almost 50% are undiagnosed. Another 37