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Cost effectiveness analysis of screening for sight threatening diabetic eye disease

  • Item type: Scientific article
  • Language: English
  • Author: James M, Turner DA, Broadbent DM, Vora J, Harding SP
  • Target audience: All health professionals
  • Publication Date: Mar, 2000

Objective: To measure the cost effectiveness of systematic photographic screening for sight threatening diabetic eye disease compared with existing practice.

Design: Cost effectiveness analysis

Setting: Liverpool.

Subjects: A target population of 5000 diabetic patients invited for screening.

Main outcome measures: Cost effectiveness (cost per true positive) of systematic and opportunistic programmes; incremental cost effectiveness of replacing opportunistic with systematic screening.

Results: Baseline prevalence of sight threatening eye disease was 14.1%. The cost effectiveness of the systematic programme was £209 (sensitivity 89%, specificity 86%, compliance 80%, annual cost £104 996) and of the opportunistic programme was £289 (combined sensitivity 63%, specificity 92%, compliance 78%, annual cost £99 981). The incremental cost effectiveness of completely replacing the opportunistic programme was £32. Absolute values of cost effectiveness were highly sensitive to varying prevalence, sensitivity and specificity, compliance, and programme size.

Conclusion: Replacing existing programmes with systematic screening for diabetic eye disease is justified.


By Andrew
Feb 25, 2015
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