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Kid’s Healthy Eating Plate visual guide

  • Item type: Education material
  • Language: English
  • Author: Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
  • Publication Date: , 2015
  • KidsHealthyEatingPlate(6.11 MB)

The Kid’s Healthy Eating Plate is a visual guide to help educate and encourage children to eat well and keep moving. At a glance, the graphic features examples of best-choice foods to inspire the selection of healthy meals and snacks, and it emphasizes physical activity as part of the equation for staying healthy.

The Kid’s Healthy Eating Plate was created by nutrition experts at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, based on the best available science, to enhance the visual guid­ance provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s MyPlate icon. The Kid’s Plate reflects the same important messages as the Healthy Eating Plate, with a primary focus on diet quality, but is designed to further facilitate the teaching of healthy eating behaviors to children.

By Daniela
Jan 14, 2016
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