The Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Training Modules FR contain eight presentations and one case study.
Health professionals anywhere in the world can adopt this resource to develop diabetes education programmes for other health professionals.
Section 1 – Screening and Diagnosis: Identify the risks for development of GDM.
Section 2 – Self-management education: Discuss the value of education in helping women have healthy pregnancies.
Section 3 – Nutrition Therapy In Gestational Diabetes (Assessment, Recommendations and Education): Discuss factors that should be considered when doing a nutritional assessment.
Section 4 – Exercise in Gestational Diabetes: Recognize the limitations regarding exercise especially during the third trimester.
Section 5 – Monitoring During Pregnancy: Discuss the benefit of self monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) when available.
Section 6 – Pharmacological Management: Discuss the safety of continuing pre-pregnancy medications.
Section 7 – Complications (Hypoglycemia, Premature Labour, Preeclampsia): Discuss causes, prevention strategies and treatment of hypoglycemia for those women on insulin.
Section 8 – Post Partum: Discuss the immediate care of the infant and the importance of breast feeding.
Section 9 –Case study
Each module contains slides, facilitators’ notes and activities. Activities are used to increase participation during a programme and to allow some practical application of the discussion material.