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Patient Centered Meeting on Diabetes, Dyslipidemia and Hypertension (PCM)

Date: 31 Oct, 2019 - 03 Nov, 2019
Timezone: Europe/Vienna
  • Location: Imperial Riding School Renaissance Vienna Hotel Ungargasse 60 1030 Vienna, Austria, Vienna, Austria
  • Type: Conference / Congress / Symposium
  • Region: Europe
  • Organiser: Paragon Group
  • Event website: pcmddh.com
  • Attending members: 1

We are excited to announce the inauguration of a new series of medical education experience – Patient Centered Meeting. The first will focus on diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidemia.

The aim is to empower clinicians managing patients with these major risk factors. The program is designed to move beyond the traditional presentation of the various topics and clinical trials and will emphasize the translation of current knowledge into clinical practice.