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UDOP Diabetes Conference Programme for 2015

Date: 26 Mar, 2015 - 28 Mar, 2015
  • Location: the Jamaica Conference Centre, 14-20 Port Royal Street Kingston, Jamaica, W. I., Kingston, Jamaica
  • Type: Conference / Congress / Symposium
  • Region: North America and Caribbean
  • Organiser: the University Diabetes Outreach Programme (UDOP)
  • Target audience: All health professionals
  • Event website: www.udop.org.jm/
  • Language: English
  • Attending members: 1

We have a full cross section of presentations dealing with diagnosis, monitoring, complications, new treatments and best practice regimes in diabetes... with a fulsome assessment of advanced kidney damage and its management.

The distinguished lectures all promise seminal discourses inclusive of the epidemiology of the diabetic condition in the Caribbean region, a comprehensive engagement on the diabetic kidney, the influence of ageing on Kidney disease and the staging of diabetes development from a public health perspective.