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World Health Day (Theme of Diabetes) by UPMA

Date: 07 Apr 2016
Start time: 16:00
End time: 17:00
  • Location: Lekhraj Diabetes Hospital and Medical College, Faizabad Road, just after Indira Canal, Lucknow, India
  • Type: Education course / programme
  • Region: South East Asia
  • Organiser: UP Madhumeh Association
  • Target audience: People with diabetes
  • Event website: -
  • Language: English
  • Attending members: 3

UP Madhumeh Association (UPMA) shall organize a seminar on Diabetes for public awareness on coming World Health Day i.e. 7th April, 2016. President of the Association, Dr. Uma Shankhdhar shall elaborate on "Magnitude of the problem," Dr. LK Shankhdhar shall introduce the public as to "How Diabetes evolves and how to take preventive steps," Dr. Kshitij Shankhdhar shall speak on "Do's and Don'ts in Diabetic foot care" and Dr. Smita Shankhdhar shall emphasize the "Role of Education in management of Diabetes."