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EMSS-MAYO Course in advanced Endocrinology

Date: 24 Feb, 2016 - 26 Feb, 2016

We are pleased to invite you to join us for the 6th edition of the Endocrine and Metabolic Society of Singapore’s Course in Advanced Endocrinology held in collaboration with the Mayo Clinic. This course has, over the years, become an event eagerly anticipated by clinicians, in the Endocrinology and Metabolism CME calendar in the Asia Pacific Region.

With this edition, we are pleased to bring to you for the first time, a two-day adjunct course on Laboratory Endocrinology, held in collaboration with Mayo Endocrine Lab and the Singapore Association of Clinical Biochemists. We will cover principles, methodology, utility, performance, pearls and pitfalls of various hormonal and nonhormonal laboratory assays that are utilized in practice, “useful things for clinicians to know for data interpretation and clinical decision making, to enable better patient care”. The embedded clinical case discussions will provide a platform for clinical-laboratory dialogue. This comprehensive course would be a very useful adjunct to national endocrinology or chemical pathology training curriculums that require some form of didactic teaching in lab endocrinology and cross-disciplinary exposure.