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IDF petition on occasion of WDD and the G20 Summit

Date: 05 Nov, 2015 - 14 Nov, 2015
Start time: 09:00
End time: 16:00
Timezone: Europe/Berlin

The G20 leaders will celebrate their annual Summit in Antalya, Turkey, the 15 and 16 of November - just one day after the World Diabetes Day (November 14).

IDF is asking local and global leaders to protect the health of their citizens by adopting fiscal policies on unhealthy food products and employ the revenues to improve healthcare for people with diabetes and those at risk.

You can sign by doing the following:

- Click on http://thndr.me/iqtK8G

- Select "support with Facebook", "with Twitter" or "with TUMBLR"

- Click on "spread the word", to share it with your network

Healthy eating is a right, not a privilege!