The webinar explores a new communication and health promotion tool, namely Health Coaching (HC), and its adoption to clinical practices. Webinar aims to give a concrete and brief idea and tools to be used for more effective medical professional-patient communication at medical care especially for diabetes management, eventhough the title refers to only dentistry. The presenter for this webinar is Ayse Basak Cinar, D.D.S., M.B.A., Ph.D., DSci., a dentist and a health coach. Dr.Cinar was assistant professor at the School of Dentistry, University of Copenhagen (2009-2015) and she has currently started as a research fellow at the School of Dentistry, University of Dundee. The international study conducted at Denmark and Turkey by Dr. AB Cinar and her colleagues has shown that HC can be used for diabetes management and oral health as an as an effective patient communication methodology for increasing patient compliance by empowering patients to take decisions and actions for healthy lifestyles (Cinar AB et al. Smile healthy to your diabetes: health coaching-based intervention for oral health and diabetes management. Clin Oral Investig 2014). HC is among the most recent and effective leadership tools and patient-empowerment centered approaches in health promotion. HC is shown as one of the most effective doctor-patient communication approaches and it is directly associated with positive lifestyle outcomes (smoking cessation, obesity- and diabetes management). The webinar requires registration: you for your consideration. We all together can create healthy futures for our patients and ourselves. Best regards Ayse Basak Cinar (DDS, MBA, PhD, DSci)