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Diabetes onset before or after the age of 65—does it affect the progression of renal and cardiovascular diseases in the elderly patient?

  • Item type: Scientific article
  • Language: English
  • Author: Yassamine Bentata, Haddiya Intissar, Karimi Ilham, Benabdellah Nawal, Chemlal Abdeljalil, Redouane Abouqal.
  • Publication Date: , 2016
  • jgc-13-03-267.pdf(111.14 KB)

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is common in the elderly and more than half of the people with diabetes are over 65 years old.Elderly diabetic patients have a higher frequency of hypertension, coronary artery disease and chronic kidney disease than non-diabetic elderly patients and the risk of these complications increases with patient age, duration of the diabetes and glycated hemoglobin values. Besides the known classical factors of renal disease progression, can one suppose that the age of onset of diabetes may also affect renal disease progression in elderly diabetic patients? The aim of this study was to determine clinical and biological parameters at admission and throughout evolution of elderly diabetic patients with T2D diagnosed before vs. after age 65 years. 

By habiba
Apr 27, 2016
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