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Discussion Series on South-South Knowledge-Improving Diabetes Care and Prevention

  • Item type: Presentation/poster
  • Language: English
  • Author: International Diabetes Federation
  • Target audience: All health professionals
  • Publication Date: Nov, 2015
  • South(216.69 KB)

South-South Co-operation and Knowledge-Sharing are well developed concepts in development policy and practice, having been established by the UN in 2009 and supported by numerous bodies including the OECD Task Team on South-South Co-operation since 2010 and the World Bank Knowledge Exchange since 2012. In the world of development politics south-south co-operation is generally understood as a process whereby two or more developing countries pursue their individual or collective development through cooperative exchanges of knowledge, skills, resources and technical know-how. South-South exchanges to date have focused largely on trade and economic development, and are now widely recognized as a key mechanism for the development agenda of countries in the South.

These three sessions aim to address that gap by bringing together experts from three different countries of the Global South to share their learning in three key areas of diabetes: Primary Prevention; Health Workforce Development; Care and secondary Prevention.

By Bart
Nov 27, 2015
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